Thank you for giving some clarity and thoughts on this letter Yaro. That was really helpful for me having only briefly read reports on the few platforms I use and podcasts I listen to, mostly biased towards not stopping the development, such as the many authors currently using Sudowrite for example.

In the very short time that I have dabbled with Sudo and ChatGPT I have found it moving on at such a fast pace with new capabilities added continuously, YET, see it also stumbling quite a lot often not producing the required prose or words and wasting a lot of tokens or money. You have to really learn how to prompt well so as not to waste hours and cash!

Learning the 'craft of writing' is hard enough for an oldie like me :) but then add Ai to it, and you get this kind of 'guilt' that you're either not doing it correctly, cheating, or get a damned complex that the robot has so many better ideas for stories etc than you!! :) But what I don't like is what humans 'could' tell Sudo to write.

For example, I had never heard of a writing genre called SCIM and see no need in this human world for anything to be written about that other than to tell me people have been punished for it, should it be outside laws to protect the underage. I get that underage humans have sex etc but do adults need to write fiction about that?? Or should robots for that matter!! After all robots don't need SEX (well as far as we know! :) ) so they have no clue of its affects in our human world and could churn out all sorts of depravity. Yet some writers were complaining they could NOT write in this genre via the robots due to human constraints already programmed in as safe guards.

So you constantly ask yourself, should I trust me, or the robot to put stuff out in to the world and usually for me it ends up as a good collaboration and combination and the robot never gets the hump like so humans I've worked with!

As a retired engineer and teacher at 64, I absolutely LOVE Ai for what is possible already and I can see so many of the great possibilities for humanity going forward, especially health and the idealist in me says charge on!!! I like that you mention the 'breakaway' of clever people creating their own competitive offerings. That is what this world needs. Many of them. Not top down control as we've had to endure for centuries. AND open collaboration.

The sooner the top humans here stop revolving everything around their power, their money and their greed then we can share all aspects of Ai only for the GOOD of humanity , all Earth's inhabitants, and Gaia herself. Race on I say, with open minds and hearts before its too late for all of us.

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